Showing posts with label #inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #inspiration. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2025

Every Day Holds a Gift—Find it, Embrace it, and Let it Inspire Your Purpose

On August 26, 2020,  Christopher Cochran’s son, Christian, received a terminal diagnosis, and on September 1, 2021, he died. 

Christopher's interview will touch your heart but more importantly will motivate you to see life from a different perspective - full of hope - no matter what you may be going through.

What's GOOD About Today

At the core of who Christopher is are the roles of a father, husband, and a friend. These purposes have profoundly shaped his journey and are the heart of his book, 
"What's GOOD about TODAY?"  This deeply personal work is inspired by his son Christian, who courageously battled terminal cancer. His extraordinary perspective on life is exemplified by this daily question. 

Christian teaches us to embrace each day with positivity and his legacy of hope and resilience is a precious gift he committed to sharing with the world.

Do life's challenges weigh you down?

Are your days filled with a sense of emptiness and a tendency to focus on the negative?

Have overthinking, anxiety, or anger consumed your mind and heart?

What's Good About Today?

Envision a future where you lead with positivity and feel uplifted and inspired each day. How
might life look different if you could easily answer the question: "What's good about today?"

Christopher Cochran is an experienced business professional who has helped many
companies grow and improve. His years of experience with sales and marketing motivate people to realize their full potential. 

However, even more illuminating than anything in the corporate sphere are the lessons his amazing son, Christian, taught him about embracing joy and living each day to the fullest.

In his brief, but notably well-lived 23 years of life, Christian's uplifting spirit, powerful words, and brilliant example not only is inspiring but will draw a map to lead you down the path to a purpose-driven life.

This story shares the journey and challenges this family faced and the valuable lessons they learned to help show you how to find the good within each day.

Chris Cochran


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

To Create the Life You Love Never Stop Going the Extra Mile

Shawn Anderson is the leading voice on the power of the 'go the extra mile' message. Shawn is a #1 ranked motivational author and international keynote speaker. He is a lifetime entrepreneur with a track record of raising performance and passion in others. 

Shawn is a seven-time author and the creator of "Extra Mile Day." A day declared by 512 cities on November 1, 2020, recognizing extra mile heroes in local communities.

Shawn walks the talk. He's built a million-dollar company, pedaled a bike 4,000 miles across the US (twice), run a 100-mile race, and created adventures in more than fifty countries including having walked across seven countries since 2014.

In his interview, Shawn details how we can change our world by going the extra mile. One. Step. At. A. Time.

Take the Extra Mile Pledge!

Together we are going to nudge 1,000,000 people around the world to "go the extra mile" and do something encouraging for a friend, relative, co-worker...or even a stranger.

Go the extra mile

An Engaging book with a Life-Changing Message

If you've ever found yourself feeling defeated by life's events, step into the most unique and life-changing classroom of all time. Uncover the possibilities that exist in your life....and discover your life's purpose.

In Amicus 101: A Story About the Pursuit of Purpose and Overcoming Life's Chaos, a mysterious instructor shares 21 amazingly powerful lessons that hold the secrets to living your life with more purpose, passion, inspiration, motivation, and possibility than ever before.

Success had turned its back on Charlie. He had no job...and no direction. The love of his life had left him unexpectedly. He didn't like what he saw in the mirror...and his self-esteem had reached rock bottom. 

Life has gotta' be way better than this...right?

But then a beach-walking, bird-feeding, Zen-like master changed everything Charlie was redirecting everything that Charlie was thinking.

Want to change your direction?

Read The Four Fibs and see what happens to thought and attitude when we drop the distorted illusion created by believing life's four biggest lies.



Extra Mile America Website

