Several times throughout Carrie Pierce’s life especially the last three years – there were moments of despair. Without
any warning, as she and her mother were moving to Idaho to start a
new life, her mom went into kidney failure overnight. She was diagnosed with a highly
advanced multiple myeloma.
You may be able to relate to the trauma
and the strength it takes to push through, stay focused, and win like Carrie
had to due to her being alone in a new community and devastated after losing
her parents.
Carrie E. Pierce has written
professionally for more than twenty years, most of them spent writing acclaimed
health and wellness articles and books for midlife readers.
She attained her dream of working in
the film, radio, and television industry. She has been published many times and
co-hosted two acclaimed, internationally syndicated radio shows. She is the co-director
of Morgan Pierce Media & Publishing.
During her writing career, Carrie
discovered the need for quality children's literature that could be enjoyed by
parents and grandparents as they read aloud to them.
Eager to fill this niche, she began
crafting quality stories that contain important life lessons, written in a
style that does not talk 'down' to children but, instead, encourages them to
learn new words and ask questions as they gain important tools for overcoming
fear, pushing past loss, and accepting themselves as they are.
Carrie speaks from experience with an
honest voice that holds nothing back.
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Tommy Tomlinson
was a five-year-old boy with a small body, a big bedroom closet, and even
bigger fears about just what, exactly, lived in that closet between the hours
of midnight and five a.m. each night.This tale of
rollicking adventure takes the reader on a life-changing journey through the
process of overcoming fear and conveys many important and heartfelt lessons
along the way.
Storytime is a time
to create special memories with the children in your life; however, many adults
find it challenging to discover appropriate children's literature that's
well-written and enjoyable for adults and children alike. Carrie Pierce
believes you should be able to feel confident the book you're reading to your
children is free from agendas or inappropriate themes, which is why she
prayerfully crafted The Tale of Tommy Tomlinson's Tennis Shoes, a
superbly written children's chapter book filled with wholesome adventures,
higher-level vocabulary that sparks conversation, 15 original and beautiful
illustrations as well as time-honored values so your story times can help you
create the shared memories you desire.
When read aloud to
children, the age range for this book grows to accommodate ages 6-12. Great for
boys and girls alike, and makes the perfect bedtime story, spread
out over many nights. Beautifully written and extremely poignant, The
Tale of Tommy Tomlinson's Tennis Shoes is a must-read if you have young
ones struggling with fears, insecurities, or feelings of not belonging.
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High atop Mt. Ellinor, in a thicket not too far below the
great Pacific Northwest timberline, lived a small apple tree, a mere sapling.
Her name was Abby.
And so, this journey of bravery, blossoming, and overcoming begins...
Abby Apple Tree is written in the style of children’s books of long
ago and at times uses larger words and adult grammar to get children engaged deeply, asking questions and learning- not only about language but about
the processes of overcoming fear, challenge, and heartbreak as well.
This is a relatively short book and can be read in 2 or 3 segments. Great for
naptime, bedtime, or story hour.
If your child or grandchild has fears, insecurities, and/or feels out of place,
this is a MUST-READ story!