Thursday, July 30, 2020

Can an Unbreakable Spirit Triumph Over Brokenness?

"Addiction is a stealth predator. Unrecognized, it will grow and flourish. Unchecked, it destroys."
Stepping Stones

Marilea C. Rabasa was a lifelong substance user - food, pills, cigarettes, and alcohol were the solution to the stresses of everyday living. This almost always involved some form of overindulgence of an easily attainable substance and for a short time, she would feel better. 

As the consequences mounted Marilea fortunately found herself evolving into a woman capable of discipline. Add to that a determination to let go of old habits and make changes became a recipe for renewal.

Marilea C. Rabasa

Award-winning writer Marilea C. Rabasa delivers a candid, unflinchingly real memoir in Stepping Stones: A Memoir of Addiction, Loss, and Transformation. An extraordinary story that chronicles life, loss, heartbreak, hope, and healing, Stepping Stones is heart-wrenchingly honest, powerful, and bold.  At once a painful story of descent into addiction, Stepping Stones is also the story of how an unbreakable spirit triumphs over brokenness.

Stepping Stones is a finalist in The International Book Awards in the Health: Addiction and Recovery category

Do you know anyone with a serious problem with addiction?

Do you know someone who struggles with guilt from past mistakes?

Marilea discusses this in her interview and shares her journey of seeking harmony and grace through fragmentation and years of emotional illness that led to various forms of addiction. At several points, It sent her spiraling into......madness.


Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones is the Winner in the USA Best Book Awards, in the Health: Addiction and Recovery category.

Rabasa’s fascinating memoir opens with the death of her mother—a woman who, though not an alcoholic, was plagued by an inability to cope with the dysfunction in her life. A woman whose choices unwittingly set her daughter up for a multitude of problems.

Much more than a memoir of addiction, Stepping Stones is a story about hope,  recovery, and strength.  Beautifully written and unapologetically honest, Stepping Stones is divided into three parts—Sleepwalking, Muddling through the Middle, and Waking Up.  Crafted in short, powerful vignettes, Stepping Stones is a masterful memoir that parallels two distinct journeys—Rabasa’s captivating outward journey, and her sacred inner journey to finding grace, healing, and peace. A memoir of triumph and transformation, Stepping Stones is a deeply personal and deeply moving story of one woman’s courageous struggle to put the pieces together and find her own road to happiness.

Stepping Stones is an authentic glimpse into the life of a woman afflicted with multiple addictions. With stunning candor, Marilea describes the toxic and ruthless nature of this disorder as it escalates over much of her lifetime. I admire this author’s courage in telling her painful story so eloquently.” 

—KATHLEEN POOLER, author of Ever Faithful to His Lead and Just the Way He Walked 

Amazon Stepping Stones

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