Saturday, May 4, 2019

Determine That It Does Not Need to Be Over!

Lawrence Berger is a self-made entrepreneur who has survived eight car accidents and seven suicide attempts.  

Despite the trauma, Lawrence has been able to change his focus and his life.  He is a motivational speaker, author of eight books, five feature-length movies, two 'shorts,' wrote (and sold) a TV pilot.  He went from severely depressed to being a mentor, speaker, author, playwright, and nationally renowned poet.

He has taught multiple educational seminars sharing his secrets from a thirty-year sales career. Lawrence's self-help guide is used as a college text and he has also written nine poetry books.

If you know anyone who has struggled with depression, they need to hear Larry's story.  

Lawrence is a survivor!  Period! 

Listen to his compelling interview how he turned his life around from severe depression to being a mentor and encourager

Instant Poetry (Just Add Words!) is a collection of forty-eight of Lawrence Berger's instant poems. He has performed some of the poetry on stages along the West Coast and in upstate New York. 

But what is instant poetry? Some of these intriguing works were created by the author based upon people calling out words and sentences at his interactive poetry readings. Upon hearing these audience contributions, he fashioned a poem built around them. Other poems in the collection were written around the event described in the poem. Instant Poetry (Just Add Words!) offers a unique experience in poetry and creativity.

Contact Lawrence here:

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